Tuesday, April 27, 2010

She is like a double sword?!?!?

Hello there, well today i'm going to talk about this girl named (Put name here), she is well.. let's see shes like a DOUBLE SWORD.First shes nice and she says she will NEVER hang out with (Put name here) but then after she feels "sorry" for her. Yeah okay... go SMD!!!! The only reason why she felt sorry for (Put name here) is because people were teasing her, but wait you said you will NEVER go back to her?!??! So to me it's like you WANTED to go back to her. You WANTED to share your secrets with her. You WANTED to be her friend because you felt "sorry" for her. You WANTED to be her little follower again. You WANTED to hang out with her because you were sick and tired of playing with us. Well you know what GOOD FOR YOU. Know you tell me and (Put name here) that your going to hang out with (Put name here) and (Put name here) more. But at recess you didn't even hand out with them?? Was there something wrong. Did you forget.NoNo i know the problem you were to busy hanging out with (Put name here). You were busy "following" your master. Well you know what, we don't fucking need you, you can go suck your masters dick! But if you and her were in a fight don't come CRAWLING to us again, were sick and tired of your dumb excuses and we wish you a blessing life with (Put name here). THANK GOD!! All i have left to say is that, you shouldn't be lying and if you ever get in fights with (Put name here) well pray to god, maybe he can help you. Because me and my friends aren't going to bother helping you no more, it's hard to believe something like this would happen to a SMART and gentil girl like YOU. I hope you will BE THE CHANGE!

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