Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why are you doing this to me!!!!

UGHHH!!! Why are you doing this to me!! Why? Why? Why? Your probably wondering who i'm talking about, well i'm talking about (put name here) he is very ughhh (he's words i cannot explain) he's confusing =S i HATE it .. why can't he be simple and easy, instead of being hard and hard to get? He is an AMAZING guy right now. Back then he used to be a jerk, i hated him. but then this other guy named (put name here) was also being an asshole and i liked that asshole.. until we got into a fight and it can never be the same EVER again. (Put name here) is very nice to me now (: he talks to me in public now. But he still doesn't look at me when i talk to him, i think it's because he is embarrassed or something. When i put my hand on his shoulder or something like that he turns ALL red?? Why is that... does he like me or does he not? that is what confuses me the most D= I wish it didn't. (Put name here) is trying to play games with me. i can beat you that, He always plays games with me. Why can't he be a simple boy who can just tell you if he likes you or not. Why does he have to be so COMPLICATED! i wish he wasn't but i can't change him, he has to change himself. I would rather pick (put name here) because he is NICER to me now, and he is WAYY better than (put name here), he is very RUDE and he swears at you for no reason, first he's nice then he's mean and then he's nice again like wtf.? Can't you just pick one personality already. Maybe he's on his "." or maybe he's just like that .. i don't and i don't care, all i care about is finding who (Put name here) likes. That sounds a bit stalker-ish much ehh? But i mean i need to know he's like KILLING me in the inside, is that what he wants? Me to be died, if he does then it's working he succeeds, he won he killed me in the inside. I really REALLY want to know who he likes. but i guess i can never find out. -sighs- I ask my friends to help me but most of them fails )= That doesn't get me anywhere, now does it? One of my friends named (Put name here), now she said this.. Lilian, guess what! I think (Put name here) likes you! I said, well how do you know??? and she said, Well when i was going home i asked (Put name here) who he likes, i said do you like (Put name here) and he did a throw up face and then i said do you like (Put name here) and he said no and then RIGHT when i said Lilian he didn't response back. He started to blush =) And i said well he always blushes and then (Put name here) said well when i said (Put name here) he did a throw up face and i was like .. well yeah thats true. So to me it seems like (Put name here) does like ME. i also figured out that he liked me in the beginning of year.
I almost forgot to mention! Every time i put my hands on (Put name here)'s shoulders or back he turns ALL red and when i smile or laugh he would smile and laugh =) So i don't know..
i find it confusing at times and he is confusing D=
ughhh.. and i thought girls where the hard ones to figure out. I guess i was wrong on that too!?!

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