Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why is she like that!!

well i am having trouble! There is this girl named (put name here) and shes a BITCH she thinks shes so cool and she thinks shes better than very one else, ALSO she liked this guy named (put name here) when i liked him. She knew i liked him, also when i liked (put name here) she kept flirting with him and all. ughhh, i hate her so much! She's always giving me a look when i hang out with people she doesn't like, but i mean like, dude you hate them but i don't and i like being friends with them your not the boss of me so BACK OFF! Shes always "there" .. and i hate it and she's so UGHH .. ( she's words i cannot explain). I wish i never met her, but at times i do feel sorry for her. She barley has no friends, that's because shes always RUDE and all that shit. She bully's other people and all that stuff INCLUDING me! I hate it.
Oh and this also leads to another person! named (put name here) shes RUDE! One of my friends named (put name here) and her other friend (put name here) and (put name here) were all at the mall. Now it was a casual day, nothing special they were just looking around when all of a sudden (put name here) said "oh you do know that i'm not going to buy you guys anything" and then my other friend (put name here) was like "uhh.. we didn't even ask you to buy us anything". and she was like " yeah i know i'm just saying" i was like WTF !!! i got so pissed right after that shes a BITCH i hate her i wish she could go die with (put name here). Like seriously you don't fucking say "oh you guys know that i'm not going to buy you anything" . OMFG! i would be okay if you thought that but you didn't have to say it at our faces. like wtf! and then she goes "can you buy me something from the food court because i'm hungry" like wtf. NO go get your own food dumbass you bought 40 bucks, you can buy something for yourself. sheesh!.. Well i'm just making my point here, i mean you bring 40 bucks and then you said im not going to buy you guys anything and then all of a sudden you ask if we can buy you something to eat. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! Your own money to spend, where not wasting our money on you, your a piece of SHIT! living on the streets !!! GO GET A LIFE! and STOP ruining ours! This also reminds me.. Every time when she doesn't want to go home she would ALWAYS invite herself to your house. And then she goes can i sleep over, and if you say no she will go like can you ask please please please! It's so damn annoying! And she also spits in your face! well she probably never did that any of you people, (you know who you are) But she never says sorry she just goes HAHAHA and then she leaves. WHAT THE HELL?!???! I just want to KICK HER in the FACE!!!! and i don't want to be mean but she has a face that looks like a BULL!!!! sorry.. but it's the truth. and she NEVER brushes her teeth !!! like wtf.. thats just messed up .. and nasty D=
Well if (put name here) and (put name here) reads this than i'm glad they did!!! DON'T EVEN TRY AND DENY IT^
Anyways, i hope you enjoy your lives you STUPID SELF-CENTERED WHORES!!!!