Saturday, April 24, 2010

Confusing! =S

Okay, now i'm VERY confused! Can anyone help me?? Here is the story. I like this guy named (put name here) and he is a JERK but i cant help it.Something tells me that he is the ONE! I stopped liking him for a while and then i liked him again But i don't know if he likes me back. Everyone says he does which is confuses me the most! UGHH.. well i read something on facebook (: and there was a fan page called "10 ways to tell you if that boy likes you" and MOST of them, (put name here) does, but then the others it doesn't, Here they are....

1. He'll always try to look at you and looks away when you look at him.

2. When he's talking to you, he'll always looks at his feet, then in your eyes, then to his feet again.

3. He'll laugh at anything you say, and will automatically smile when he see's you laughing .

4. He makes fun of you (weird I know, but not all guys do it)

5. His friends joke about him and you or mention him to you (had to be something to make them say it out of the blue.)

6. He compliments you.

7. Forgot your jacket? Don't worry, he'll give you his.

8. If he always remembers things you say, even if they seem small. Eg: He never forgets your birthday even though he only heard it once. He remembers your favorite things to do, but forgets a lot of other peoples.

9. He uses inside jokes in normal conversation just to see you smile.

10. If he is always happier when he is around you even if he doesn't talk or do anything.

there they are^ .. but MOST of them are true like i said before.. so yeah. Leave a comment below and tel me what you think (: thank-you

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