Friday, April 23, 2010

People are hard to figure out. Wanna know why? First you barley know them, and then its like you know them very well, you would think their very nice and all.. but turns out they weren't. Hmm? i think and think and think,but really all i find is BLEHH everywhere! (put name here) isn't the kinda person you think he is. He's very Sporty but when you see his bad side.. he's all up in your face and swearing at you, now im not saying hes not a good person. because he his, it's just that sometimes I think he's kinda lost it and he gets all mad, over one word i said and then BOOM its all this swearing?? I wish i knew why he was like that,But maybe i wont ever be able to find out. There's a lot of stuff people don't know about other people. You think you know them but you really don't, ughhh life can be so cunfusing and can be so hard to figure out at times.!