Tuesday, April 27, 2010

She is like a double sword?!?!?

Hello there, well today i'm going to talk about this girl named (Put name here), she is well.. let's see shes like a DOUBLE SWORD.First shes nice and she says she will NEVER hang out with (Put name here) but then after she feels "sorry" for her. Yeah okay... go SMD!!!! The only reason why she felt sorry for (Put name here) is because people were teasing her, but wait you said you will NEVER go back to her?!??! So to me it's like you WANTED to go back to her. You WANTED to share your secrets with her. You WANTED to be her friend because you felt "sorry" for her. You WANTED to be her little follower again. You WANTED to hang out with her because you were sick and tired of playing with us. Well you know what GOOD FOR YOU. Know you tell me and (Put name here) that your going to hang out with (Put name here) and (Put name here) more. But at recess you didn't even hand out with them?? Was there something wrong. Did you forget.NoNo i know the problem you were to busy hanging out with (Put name here). You were busy "following" your master. Well you know what, we don't fucking need you, you can go suck your masters dick! But if you and her were in a fight don't come CRAWLING to us again, were sick and tired of your dumb excuses and we wish you a blessing life with (Put name here). THANK GOD!! All i have left to say is that, you shouldn't be lying and if you ever get in fights with (Put name here) well pray to god, maybe he can help you. Because me and my friends aren't going to bother helping you no more, it's hard to believe something like this would happen to a SMART and gentil girl like YOU. I hope you will BE THE CHANGE!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why are you doing this to me!!!!

UGHHH!!! Why are you doing this to me!! Why? Why? Why? Your probably wondering who i'm talking about, well i'm talking about (put name here) he is very ughhh (he's words i cannot explain) he's confusing =S i HATE it .. why can't he be simple and easy, instead of being hard and hard to get? He is an AMAZING guy right now. Back then he used to be a jerk, i hated him. but then this other guy named (put name here) was also being an asshole and i liked that asshole.. until we got into a fight and it can never be the same EVER again. (Put name here) is very nice to me now (: he talks to me in public now. But he still doesn't look at me when i talk to him, i think it's because he is embarrassed or something. When i put my hand on his shoulder or something like that he turns ALL red?? Why is that... does he like me or does he not? that is what confuses me the most D= I wish it didn't. (Put name here) is trying to play games with me. i can beat you that, He always plays games with me. Why can't he be a simple boy who can just tell you if he likes you or not. Why does he have to be so COMPLICATED! i wish he wasn't but i can't change him, he has to change himself. I would rather pick (put name here) because he is NICER to me now, and he is WAYY better than (put name here), he is very RUDE and he swears at you for no reason, first he's nice then he's mean and then he's nice again like wtf.? Can't you just pick one personality already. Maybe he's on his "." or maybe he's just like that .. i don't and i don't care, all i care about is finding who (Put name here) likes. That sounds a bit stalker-ish much ehh? But i mean i need to know he's like KILLING me in the inside, is that what he wants? Me to be died, if he does then it's working he succeeds, he won he killed me in the inside. I really REALLY want to know who he likes. but i guess i can never find out. -sighs- I ask my friends to help me but most of them fails )= That doesn't get me anywhere, now does it? One of my friends named (Put name here), now she said this.. Lilian, guess what! I think (Put name here) likes you! I said, well how do you know??? and she said, Well when i was going home i asked (Put name here) who he likes, i said do you like (Put name here) and he did a throw up face and then i said do you like (Put name here) and he said no and then RIGHT when i said Lilian he didn't response back. He started to blush =) And i said well he always blushes and then (Put name here) said well when i said (Put name here) he did a throw up face and i was like .. well yeah thats true. So to me it seems like (Put name here) does like ME. i also figured out that he liked me in the beginning of year.
I almost forgot to mention! Every time i put my hands on (Put name here)'s shoulders or back he turns ALL red and when i smile or laugh he would smile and laugh =) So i don't know..
i find it confusing at times and he is confusing D=
ughhh.. and i thought girls where the hard ones to figure out. I guess i was wrong on that too!?!

Why is she like that!!

well i am having trouble! There is this girl named (put name here) and shes a BITCH she thinks shes so cool and she thinks shes better than very one else, ALSO she liked this guy named (put name here) when i liked him. She knew i liked him, also when i liked (put name here) she kept flirting with him and all. ughhh, i hate her so much! She's always giving me a look when i hang out with people she doesn't like, but i mean like, dude you hate them but i don't and i like being friends with them your not the boss of me so BACK OFF! Shes always "there" .. and i hate it and she's so UGHH .. ( she's words i cannot explain). I wish i never met her, but at times i do feel sorry for her. She barley has no friends, that's because shes always RUDE and all that shit. She bully's other people and all that stuff INCLUDING me! I hate it.
Oh and this also leads to another person! named (put name here) shes RUDE! One of my friends named (put name here) and her other friend (put name here) and (put name here) were all at the mall. Now it was a casual day, nothing special they were just looking around when all of a sudden (put name here) said "oh you do know that i'm not going to buy you guys anything" and then my other friend (put name here) was like "uhh.. we didn't even ask you to buy us anything". and she was like " yeah i know i'm just saying" i was like WTF !!! i got so pissed right after that shes a BITCH i hate her i wish she could go die with (put name here). Like seriously you don't fucking say "oh you guys know that i'm not going to buy you anything" . OMFG! i would be okay if you thought that but you didn't have to say it at our faces. like wtf! and then she goes "can you buy me something from the food court because i'm hungry" like wtf. NO go get your own food dumbass you bought 40 bucks, you can buy something for yourself. sheesh!.. Well i'm just making my point here, i mean you bring 40 bucks and then you said im not going to buy you guys anything and then all of a sudden you ask if we can buy you something to eat. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! Your own money to spend, where not wasting our money on you, your a piece of SHIT! living on the streets !!! GO GET A LIFE! and STOP ruining ours! This also reminds me.. Every time when she doesn't want to go home she would ALWAYS invite herself to your house. And then she goes can i sleep over, and if you say no she will go like can you ask please please please! It's so damn annoying! And she also spits in your face! well she probably never did that any of you people, (you know who you are) But she never says sorry she just goes HAHAHA and then she leaves. WHAT THE HELL?!???! I just want to KICK HER in the FACE!!!! and i don't want to be mean but she has a face that looks like a BULL!!!! sorry.. but it's the truth. and she NEVER brushes her teeth !!! like wtf.. thats just messed up .. and nasty D=
Well if (put name here) and (put name here) reads this than i'm glad they did!!! DON'T EVEN TRY AND DENY IT^
Anyways, i hope you enjoy your lives you STUPID SELF-CENTERED WHORES!!!!

Confusing! =S

Okay, now i'm VERY confused! Can anyone help me?? Here is the story. I like this guy named (put name here) and he is a JERK but i cant help it.Something tells me that he is the ONE! I stopped liking him for a while and then i liked him again But i don't know if he likes me back. Everyone says he does which is confuses me the most! UGHH.. well i read something on facebook (: and there was a fan page called "10 ways to tell you if that boy likes you" and MOST of them, (put name here) does, but then the others it doesn't, Here they are....

1. He'll always try to look at you and looks away when you look at him.

2. When he's talking to you, he'll always looks at his feet, then in your eyes, then to his feet again.

3. He'll laugh at anything you say, and will automatically smile when he see's you laughing .

4. He makes fun of you (weird I know, but not all guys do it)

5. His friends joke about him and you or mention him to you (had to be something to make them say it out of the blue.)

6. He compliments you.

7. Forgot your jacket? Don't worry, he'll give you his.

8. If he always remembers things you say, even if they seem small. Eg: He never forgets your birthday even though he only heard it once. He remembers your favorite things to do, but forgets a lot of other peoples.

9. He uses inside jokes in normal conversation just to see you smile.

10. If he is always happier when he is around you even if he doesn't talk or do anything.

there they are^ .. but MOST of them are true like i said before.. so yeah. Leave a comment below and tel me what you think (: thank-you

Friday, April 23, 2010

People are hard to figure out. Wanna know why? First you barley know them, and then its like you know them very well, you would think their very nice and all.. but turns out they weren't. Hmm? i think and think and think,but really all i find is BLEHH everywhere! (put name here) isn't the kinda person you think he is. He's very Sporty but when you see his bad side.. he's all up in your face and swearing at you, now im not saying hes not a good person. because he his, it's just that sometimes I think he's kinda lost it and he gets all mad, over one word i said and then BOOM its all this swearing?? I wish i knew why he was like that,But maybe i wont ever be able to find out. There's a lot of stuff people don't know about other people. You think you know them but you really don't, ughhh life can be so cunfusing and can be so hard to figure out at times.!