Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why is life hard?

Why is life hard? Why cant we have all the money in the world? Why is half the world suffering? How come we cant stop global warming? Why is life so hard? I always think about these questions, but the silly thing is that i dont even have the answers for them. Well I dont know what im trying to say. I just want to know why is life so difficult!?! Why does god hate us? Well he doesnt hate us, its just that if god created us and he wants us to live, then how come he creates things such as earthquakes and tornado's and other stuff, I feel that a lot has changed since a long time ago. Apparently Global Warming is getting bigger... :/ And I WANT IT TO STOP! Were all gunna die D= well acutally not literally, well maybe when were in our 80's or 90's if we can live that long. How come, when you go to a school and when you make so much friends, and when you grow up and make more, it's like others betray you, and it's like you dont trust them anymore, but i dont get it? Finding friends Forgetting Friends making new friends, it's difficult acutally. And how come parents get divorced? But dont they love eachother? Cuz if they do then why would they get divorced, if you never liked them then you shudn't have married them. But sometimes in the long run when they get married the 2 people are livingin happiness and joy but after sometimes their relationship grows apart. :( There's a lot of things to worry about, i try not to :P

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is MEE

I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream
Right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know
To let you know

This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light, shine on me
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me

Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself
It's the only way

Monday, July 12, 2010

It's hard to have friends

Hello, well its hard to have friends. Why is that so? Well when you have friends they maybe your best or your closet or just your friend. For me, I have A LOT of friends, and i treat them as if they were my sister/brother. But sometimes i feel like that they betray me, as in they talk behind my back, or they make rumors about me? I know a few who do; Kelly is my 'Closet' friend, well at least that's what i thought, until one day she was 'pissed' off and she starting yelling at me and my friend Karen, shes not the best. Shes quite grumpy and mean and racist also she talks behind other peoples backs. For example, She talked behind my back, she called me a bitch, and she said that she hated me. Also she said that she thinks im VERY VERY loud :/ There's people you trust, and don't trust, am i right, well sometimes you may not know if you actually trust them or not. But it's like you've known them for YEARS. I hate it when people do that, When you tell them the BIGGEST secret about yourself, and their like your sister/brother and your thinking 'oh well there like my sis/bro i think i can trust them, i mean they haven't told anyone about my other secrets' So you go ahead and tell them, them BOOM everyone knows! How is this? Well I'll tell you how, your so-called best friend just told everyone! But you may not think that, Cuz maybe you told someone else, and they found out.. hmm? NOPE! The person who told is the person who you THOUGHT you can trust, but you cant. Now there's other friends that are just your best friend. I have A LOT of best friends, But sometimes I can only name a few, NOT because i cant remember who they are, it's cuz some of them arent even my best friend, it's like i've known them for quite a while but then we stop talking? Lauren.s,Karen, Maria are my only best friend, the rest are my friends. Karen, Maira, and Lauren.s Are my CLOSET friends ever, I can tell them everything thats going on with my life, and i wouldnt care they can tell me EVERYTHING that's going on in there lives. So there are TRUE friends, BEST friends, CLOSE friends, and sometimes just FRIENDS :)
Hint Hint: You have to remember that be careful on the ones you trust, and the ones that are close to you ;)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I made a lot of mistakes, but this was the biggest one

Well, first i want to say, I made A LOT of mistakes in life, but im pretty shure that this was the biggest one :/
Okay, well this guy named Sam asked me out cuz he likes me, and we went out for like 5 days and he apparently didnt want to go out with me anymore, cuz of quinn, Quinn HATES me and i HATE him, hes the WORST. But after a few days later, near the end of the year dance, Alex asked me to the dance, and well i wanted to go with him AS FRIENDS, and well what happened was that Sam got Jealous apparently, and uhmmm, well he told me that he liked me again and then after when it was summer on a friday, he said that he wanted to break up with me ... well i made a BIG mistake, and im NEVER doing that again. It's hard to find love, my friends :)